Eighteenth-Century Colour-Print Cultures

Elizabeth Savage & Ad Stijnman
Eighteenth-Century Colour-Print Cultures

12 April 2018
Nine London Collections

How did colour printing change society in the eighteenth century? Following from the conference Printing Colour 1700–1830 (and free to those who register for the conference) this object study day offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the objects that made history.

Choose any three sessions from the fourteen offered across nine London venues:

  1. BRITISH LIBRARY: Eighteenth-Century Colour Illustrations in the French Collections 
    Irène Fabry-Tehranchi, Valentina Mirabella, Teresa Vernon (all British Library)
  2. BRITISH MUSEUM: Printing Colour for the Art Market, 1700–1830
    Elizabeth Savage (IES)
  3. COURTAULD INSTITUTE OF ART: Colour Prints in the Courtauld Gallery Collection
    Rachel Sloan (Courtauld)
  4. ROB DIXON COLLECTION: Colour Printing: Worn Plates, Fine Impressions and ‘Furniture’ Prints 
    Rob Dixon
  5. SENATE HOUSE LIBRARY: Eighteenth-Century Colour Illustrations in Senate House Library Collections
    Karen Attar (SHL), Tansy Barton (SHL)
  6. ST BRIDE LIBRARY: Highlights of Letterpress Colour Printing in the Long Eighteenth Century in the St Bride Library
    Ad Stijnman (Leiden)
  7. ROGER SMITH COLLECTION: George Baxter’s ‘Baxter Prints’: Their Production and Impact on Victorian Society
    Roger Smith (New Baxter Society)
  8. V&A MUSEUM: Colour Printing in the V&A’s Collection
    Liz Miller, Gill Saunders (both V&A)
  9. WELLCOME LIBRARY: Colouring the World of Science: Printed Colour at the Wellcome Collection
    Julia Nurse, William Schupbach (both Wellcome)

Click here for the programme of Printing Colour 1700–1830 and 18th-Century Colour-Print Cultures.

Click on the image to download the flier for 18th-Century Colour-Print Cultures (JPG, 1MB):

Flier for 18th-Century Colour Print Cultures
Flier for 18th-Century Colour-Print Cultures